What is a Blogger?

Blogger is an American blog content management system that allows multi-user blog hosted on a server. Pyra Labs created it before being purchased by Google in 2003. It is now hosted by Google. Blogs are hosted on the blog directory site called Blogger, which is also under Google’s control.


The AdSense program uses AdSense to display relevant ads based on the contents of blogger posts. Each time the user clicks the ad, the advertiser obtains a credit on the portion of the fee for each click. For example, every time a blog post is clicked, the author or administrator of the blog is paid a commission. A great advantage of using this advertising system is the possibility to earn income from websites with no or very little competition. However, the disadvantage of using this system is that the more often a blog is updated with advertisements, the more often the advertisements are displayed on the blog, thereby potentially reducing the revenue generated from AdSense. The best solution to this problem would be to manually post advertisements within the blog itself.

In addition to posting advertisements within the blog itself, bloggers may use third-party advertising platforms such as Knol to post advertisements. This is a good way to supplement the revenue generated by AdSense. Blogger offers several different free blogging tools that can assist in creating a great number of attractive and useful blog layouts. Some of these tools include: Blogger layout creator, Blogger page creator, Blogger RSS Panel, Blogger video creator and Blogger blog builder. With these additional tools, it is possible to create a wide variety of unique blogger templates to attract visitors and increase the chances of revenue.

The most difficult and time consuming part of blogging is uploading and maintaining the content. This is because unlike other website content, there is no central web hosting service that allows for easy access, editing, or updating of blogs. Therefore, most bloggers find themselves spending hours working on individual blogs and trying to make the necessary changes and updates to generate increased revenue. However, some bloggers have been able to create a great deal of buzz and buzzworthiness for their blogs using promotional strategies such as guest posting and joining blogging communities.

As bloggers gain more prominence and popularity, they are invited to participate in discussion forums and write for other participating bloggers’ blog. In turn, other blogs pick up these blogs and include them within their own blogging community. This strategy has created an entirely new form of web content and called web logs, or simply weblogs.

Web logs can contain any sort of information related to the topic of the blog. However, many experienced bloggers feel that adding advertisements or links within the blog is not a good idea since most readers will likely ignore them. Therefore, most experienced bloggers advise bloggers to limit their advertising to either one sentence or two sentences at the most. If possible, bloggers should try to be bold and write about topics that will generate interest in their readership and help the blog to gain more prominence in search engines.