Design Thinking for Designers


Design Thinking for Designers

A design is an abstract idea, drawing, or model of something, or its actual realization, or even the resultant of that abstract idea, model or design, or its realisation in the shape of a finished product, apparatus or structure. The word design also refers to the art of designing, especially one concerned with form and composition. The word design derives from the Greek word meaning “to draw”. The verb design means “to shape (something)”.

Design thinking is one of the critical aspects of the design process that should be examined at all phases of the project. It is used by product owners and designers to determine what the final product will look like, how it will function, how it will be installed, what it will do, what features it has, how it will be marketed, who will benefit from it, and who will pay for it. Designing through the use of design thinking is therefore not simply about choosing a few attractive designs and presenting them to the market. The process involves more than that. It involves understanding the consumer’s needs, identifying those needs, communicating the same to the marketing team and producing a design which solves those problems and then asking the pertinent questions to make sure that the product meets those needs.

Designing as described above is also used within the education process. In education, design thinking is used in problem-solving activities. Problem-solving activities involve identifying the problems, collecting information, and developing solutions. The third way in which design thinking is used in education is through its ability to translate that information into a meaningful message. In education, that message is determined by what the learner already knows, what they want to know, and how they come to know it.

Designers also use the third way that education uses – the integration of designing into the curriculum. Interaction design involves thinking about design processes and thinking about the interactions that are part of making things. While it is true that interaction design was often considered a separate discipline until recently, design teams now find that incorporating the practices of interaction design into their curriculum can add new dimensions to the learning process.

Designers use these three techniques to think about, create, and achieve. It is amazing to watch designers doing so much work so effortlessly. They know how to sketch and plan, they know how to analyze information, and they know how to make things. In the end, all of those tasks translate into making things which are useful, creative, and attractive.

Designing as described above fits into all of our lives. We use it in education, in entertainment, and in business. In each of those areas, we can help ourselves, our children, and our entire world. Designers have a lot to offer everyone. Designing is more than just knowing how to draw – it’s about sharing that knowledge with others to solve problems.