Making Money Online – Blogger Business Basics Part 7
Blog (n.) is a website (or Web log) generally posted over the World Wide Web, usually consisting of either text or audio recordings posted over the Internet through blogs. The recorded entries can be in the form of images, text, or links. The blog is being used as a term nowadays by Internet users as an informal way to categorize, classify, discuss or promote any topic. A blog can also be referred as a verb, which means to keep or add more content to a blog post.
A blog can be written by anybody who has an interest in whatever niche is chosen. There is no special skills needed, except a little common sense and a few basic computer skills, for writing a blog, except for those who are keen about blogging as their hobby. As far as blogging is concerned, blogging is mostly about social media, including networking, marketing, and sales.
Most bloggers work from home, as freelancers, as part-time employees, or as owners of large companies that employ them full-time to write blogs. One of the many ways in which bloggers work is by being independent contractors whose work is performed for lower than normal rates. Bloggers also create a personal brand through the blogs they create and publish, sometimes even owning them completely. This type of work does not require much technical knowledge and requires only a moderate knowledge of computers and the Internet.
Bloggers create blogs for a number of reasons, including for fun, for profit, or just as a way to stay in touch with friends and family. Some bloggers may do their blogging in addition to their employment. Many people start blogs with the intention of turning them into a full-time job. Bloggers work from home because they are not tied to any particular schedule, although many bloggers prefer to work in bursts rather than daily. No matter when bloggers work, however, there are certain tasks that are almost always required.
In order to maintain a successful blog, bloggers must make sure that all of their posts are included on a regular basis. This can be accomplished by setting aside time during the day (some internet marketers work from home on weekends) to post to one place, such as Blogger, while using another place, such as WordPress, to update their websites. If there is no such schedule available to all bloggers, one place that fits well for most people is to use two or three blogs. This allows a blogger to post to each site regularly, but bloggers can also refer to one another for information and links, which lead to increased communication.
The Internet is full of places for niche bloggers to promote their blogs, including paid advertising through Google Adsense and Yahoo Search Marketing, as well as free advertising through banner exchanges, classified ads, and website widgets. Blogging can be rewarding, fun, and interesting if done properly. Although blogging started as an online diary, it can now take on a life of its own as it becomes a means of making money. The ability to use blogging as a business has only been available to a few individuals in the past decade, but the power is within every blogger to turn blogging into a lucrative career.